1、按滚动轴承结构类型分类 (1) 轴承按其所能承受的载荷方向或公称接触角的不同,分为:1)向心轴承----主要用于承受径向载荷的滚动轴承,其公称接触角从0到45。按公称接触角不同,又分为:径向接触轴承----公称接触角为0的向心轴承:向心角接触轴承----公称接触角大于0到45的向心轴承。2)推力轴承----主要用于承受轴向载荷的滚动轴承,其公称接触角大于45到90。按公称接触角不同又分为: 轴向接触轴承----公称接触角为90的推力轴承:推力角接触轴承----公称接触角大于45但小于90的推力轴承。
2、 轴承按其滚动体的种类,分为: 1) 球轴承----滚动体为球: 2) 滚子轴承----滚动体为滚子。滚子轴承按滚子种类,又分为: 圆柱滚子轴承----滚动体是圆柱滚子的轴承,圆柱滚子的长度与直径之比小于或等于3 ;滚针轴承----滚动体是滚针的轴承,滚针的长度与直径之比大于3,但直径小于或等于5mm; 圆锥滚子轴承----滚动体是圆锥滚子的轴承; 调心滚子轴承一一滚动体是球面滚子的轴承。(3) 轴承按其工作时能否调心,分为: 1) 调心轴承----滚道是球面形的,能适应两滚道轴心线间的角偏差及角运动的轴承; 2) 非调心轴承(刚性轴承)----能阻抗滚道间轴心线角偏移的轴承。
3.按滚动轴承尺寸大小分类 轴承按其外径尺寸大小,分为: (1) 微型轴承----公称外径尺寸范围为26mm以下的轴承; (2) 小型轴承----公称外径尺寸范围为28-55mm的轴承; (3) 中小型轴承----公称外径尺寸范围为60-115mm的轴承; (4) 中大型轴承----公称外径尺寸范围为120-190mm的轴承 (5) 大型轴承----公称外径尺寸范围为200-430mm的轴承; (6) 特大型轴承----公称外径尺寸范围为440mm以上的轴承。
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1. According to the structure type of rolling bearings, (1) bearings are divided into: 1) radial bearings - rolling bearings mainly used to bear radial load, with nominal contact angle from 0 to 45, according to the load direction they can bear or the nominal contact angle. According to the different nominal contact angles, it can be divided into radial contact bearings - radial bearings with a nominal contact angle of 0; radial angular contact bearings - radial bearings with a nominal contact angle greater than 0 to 45. 2) Thrust bearing - mainly used for bearing axial load, with nominal contact angle greater than 45 to 90. According to the difference of nominal contact angle, it can be divided into: axial contact bearing - thrust bearing with nominal contact angle of 90; thrust angular contact bearing - thrust bearing with nominal contact angle greater than 45 but less than 90.
2. According to the types of rolling elements, bearings are divided into: 1) ball bearings ---- rolling elements are balls; 2) roller bearings ---- rolling elements are rollers. Roller bearings can be divided into cylindrical roller bearings according to the types of rollers. The rolling body is the bearing of cylindrical roller. The ratio of length to diameter of cylindrical roller is less than or equal to 3; Needle-roller bearing - the rolling body is a needle bearing. The ratio of needle length to diameter is greater than 3, but the diameter is less than or equal to 5mm; Tapered roller bearing - the rolling body is the bearing of tapered roller; Self-aligning roller bearing - the rolling body is a spherical roller bearing. (3) Bearing can be divided into: 1) self-aligning bearing - the bearing whose raceway is spherical and can adapt to the angular deviation and angular movement between the axes of two raceways; 2) Non-aligning bearing (rigid bearing) - a bearing that can resist the angular deviation of the axis between the raceways.
3. According to the size of rolling bearings, bearings can be divided into: (1) miniature bearings - bearings with a nominal outer diameter of less than 26mm; (2) Small bearings - bearings with a nominal outer diameter of 28-55mm; (3) Medium and small bearings - bearings with nominal outer diameter ranging from 60 to 115mm; (4) Medium and large bearings - bearings with a nominal outer diameter of 120-190mm (5) large bearings - bearings with a nominal outer diameter of 200-430mm; (6) Extra large bearing - bearing with nominal outer diameter of more than 440mm.
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Enterprise introductionThe company supplies paver parts, roller parts, milling machine parts, paver scraper drive shaft, scraper drive shaft assembly, leveling instrument, leveling instrument support, hydraulic pump and accessories. Our factory also supplies vulnerable parts of pavers, paver balance beams, auger shafts, pedals, feeding soleplates, blades, screeds, reducers, chain tracks, track shoes, rollers, scraper large chains, feeding chains, etc.
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